Book Tag: Books I Want To Read But Don’t Want To Read

Thank you so much to Caitlin of Bountiful Pen for nominating me for this book tag! Check out her post too!

  • A book that you feel like you need to read because everyone else is talking about it: The only book I’ve been recommended by my friends and haven’t read yet is Fablehaven. I do want to read it though! It looks really interesting I just need to get around to checking it out from the library.
  • A book that’s really long: The longest book (series) I’ve ever read would be Harry Potter, I think. And I acually did want to read it, so I guess it doesn’t count for the tag either.
  • A book that you’ve owned/had on your TBR for too long: The Girl Who Drank the Moon. I got it at book fair a year(?) ago and only picked it up to read last month when I was sick. I actually really like and recommend it so far, but just haven’t gotten around to finishing it.
  • A book that is “required” reading (eg, school text, really popular classic – something you feel obligated to read!): Walden, for school. I really didn’t like reading it. I’m also not really interested in reading Shakespeare plays.
  • A book that intimidates you: War and Peace. I hope I never have to read it! Hopefully it’s not required reading for school.
  • Book that you think might be slow: Ummm. War and Peace? Again?
  • A book you need to be in the right mood for: Anne of Green Gables. I actually prefer the audio books though because of the voice actors, it feels like I’m in the story. This question is a little hard because don’t really pick carefully, just whatever looks interesting.
  • A book you’re unsure if you will like: People of Sparks. I got it for free and I don’t think it’s my type of book.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! If you have any book recommendations, let me know in the comments!

*image belongs to me!

My First Blog Award!

Nominated by: A Goat girl’s School Blog

Make sure to check out her great blog! Thank you for nominating me! 💕

My answers to the questions:

1. What made you start your blog?

I started my blog for the homeschool curriculum I’m using, because it recommended posting my essays online. I really like blogging, so hopefully I can make more fun posts like this one! 🙂

2. What is your favorite subject?

Probably Business. I’m excited to keep improving the little business I have, which I recently made a online store for!

3. What thing do you look forward to most?

Celebrating my friend’s birthday this weekend!

And I’m looking forward to summer, so I can go to the beach and hopefully visit my relatives! And I’ll have more free time because I’ll be done with school. 

4. What do you hope to do with your life? Any special goals?

I’m still deciding, but some are my goals are: to travel to Europe and other countries, and have a bakery/coffee shop or skin care store. I’d also like to be a health coach or nutritionist. Maybe an artist too! A bunch of different things!

5. Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

My hobbies include painting and drawing, playing piano (and singing when I’m home alone, lol) and baking.

6. What is your favorite sport?

I don’t really have a favorite sport, I like swimming, biking, and Frisbee golf though! If I could learn one it would be dance, hopefully that counts as a sport.

7. What is something weird (gross, funny or odd) that you couldn’t even be paid (a lot of money) to do?

Almost everything that shows up when you google ‘world’s grossest jobs!’ Probably not sushi critic either.

Blogs I Have Nominated:

Laura Kibler’s blog

Hint of Haley

The Bountiful Pen

Baroque Myriam

My Homeschool Notebook


  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Thank the person that nominated you and put a link to your award post on their blog.
  3. Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  4. Nominate any number of people linking to their blogs and letting them know you nominated them by commenting on their post.
  5. Come up with 7 questions for the people you nominated.

Here are my questions:

  1. What’s the meaning of your name?
  2. What was your favorite book growing up? Did it influence you?
  3. What is your favorite film/show right now?
  4. What’s your favorite drink?
  5. What is a skill you’d like to learn? Why?
  6. What are three words that best describe your personality?
  7. Where would you love to travel?